Ateliers Emile Meurice

Ateliers Emile Meurice
Rue du pays-bas, 50
6061 Charleroi
BE - Belgium
+32 71 30 72 19
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Gründungsjahr: 1955
Umsatzsteuer-Identifikationsnummer: BE0401665419
Anzahl der Angestellten: 18
Unsere Firma ist eine Tochtergesellschaft von: ABM-Tecna

Located in the heart of the Charleroi industrial basin and active in Belgium, France and Luxembourg, Ateliers Emile Meurice have over 60 years of technical expertise in assisting with mechanical maintenance in all sectors of industry: steelmaking, quarries, cable works, glassworks, food processing, chemicals, etc.
Over the last 20 years, our team has developed expertise recognized by our customers in the maintenance and reconditioning of speed reducers and multipliers.
This experience brought us to the new gearbox market; our team designs and manufactures new gearboxes for specific applications and for the replacement of older generation gearboxes.
We are now able to assist you in projects to make the movements of overhead cranes or other machines using gearboxes more reliable.
To support this activity, our machining workshops – turning/milling, gear cutting, welding as well as a heat treatment workshop are supported by a design office – research and development.
With a team of 18 people, we have the solution to your technical problems and urgent repairs to your mechanical breakdowns or breakdowns.
For 2 years, Les Ateliers Emile Meurice has been a 50% subsidiary of ABM-Tecna located in Fleurus, which belongs to the French group NETCO. Netco and ABM-Tecna are well known for the sale, installation and monitoring of conveyor belt systems and are expanding into industrial maintenance. This integration allows Ateliers Meurice to benefit from the strength of this large group, in terms of human and technical resources as well as financial and commercial support. This small-step integration also allows us to broaden our scope of action and allow the group to benefit from our areas of expertise. Our services:
1. Reducers: we carry out maintenance, revisions, reconditioning, modifications of your reducers, multipliers and gearboxes. On request, we also manufacture new gearboxes for specific applications or replacement. An overhaul begins with dismantling and complete cleaning of the gearbox. All components of the gearbox are subject to inspection in order to produce a complete and precise expert report. Any damage or traces of wear will be detected. In our workshops we carry out the repair of bores – bearing seats by re-ringing or resurfacing. The sealing rings are systematically replaced, as are the bearings. Our team of fitters has recognized expertise in the adjustment of spiral-conical couples. We have the capacity, via our own design office, to design and produce a gearbox with equivalent or, if necessary, improved characteristics.
2. Maintenance and repair of parts, rotating machines, devices – defective mechanical components we repair, adapt and modify any mechanical device or rotating machine such as gantry frames, spindles, rockers, saw arms, etc. We repair your equipment, including crankcases. We carry out the resurfacing of wearing parts and the rectification of them. We adapt your devices and parts to improve their performance. We adapt and modify your lubrication and lubrication systems.
3. Machining: Horizontal turning: maximum diameter 1100 mm and a length of 4000 mm Vertical turning: maximum diameter 2000 mm and height 1000 mm Milling table of 4000 mm x 1100 mm and height of 1700 mm Mortising: maximum height 600 mm specific parts on plan or model parts mechanically welded assemblies: wheels, new casings or repair of damaged casings
4. Gear cutting: straight and helical teeth up to Module 20 and a diameter of 1200 mm Splines and trapezoidal thread screws – length 5000 mm worm wheels – worm gear bevel gears Spiro-conical couples
5. Heat Treatment: capacity for processing parts up to 80 kg by: carburizing – quenching nitriding 4 ovens hardness check
6. Welding: TIG welding including all stainless materials (stainless steel, hastelloy, etc.) semiautomatic welding reloading of parts mechanically welded assemblies new crankcases
7. Design office – research and development:
• our team has 3 experts in the design and drawing of mechanical parts with particular expertise in gear design.
• we develop solutions for any gearbox application, from the design for new machines to the reproduction of old gearboxes for existing equipment.
• we improve your parts, devices and rotating machines in order to increase their performance and their lifespan.
• we study with your teams problems of breakage or lack of reliability, we present solutions to you and we assist you in their implementation

Branchen / Dienstleistungsbereiche

00. Dienst unabhänging von der Industrie
01. Verarbeitender und Prozessindustrie
01.10. Herstellung von Nahrungsmitteln
01.11. Herstellung von Getränken
01.12. Herstellung von Tabakwaren
01.13. Herstellung von Textilien
01.14. Herstellung von Bekleidung und Bekleidung
01.15. Herstellung von Leder und ähnlichen Erzeugnissen
01.16. Herstellung von Holz, Holz- und Korkerzeugnissen (außer Möbel)
01.17. Herstellung von Papier und Waren daraus
01.18. Druck und Wiedergabe von aufgezeichneten Medien
01.19. Herstellung von Koks und Mineralölerzeugnissen
01.20. Herstellung von Chemikalien und chemischen Erzeugnissen
01.21. Herstellung von pharmazeutischen Grundstoffen und pharmazeutischen Zubereitungen
01.22. Herstellung von Gummi- und Kunststoffwaren
01.23. Herstellung von sonstigen Erzeugnissen aus nichtmetallischen Mineralien
01.24. Herstellung von Metallerzeugnissen
01.25. Herstellung von Metallerzeugnissen (ohne Maschinen und Geräte)
01.26. Herstellung von Datenverarbeitungsgeräten, elektronischen und optischen Erzeugnissen
01.27. Herstellung von elektrischen Ausrüstungen
01.28. Herstellung von Maschinen und Geräten a.n.g.
01.29. Herstellung und Montage von Kraftwagen, Anhängern und Sattelanhängern
01.30. Herstellung von sonstigen Fahrzeugen
01.31. Herstellung von Möbeln und Einrichtungsgegenständen
01.32. Sonstiges Verarbeitendes Gewerbe

Bediente Regionen

02. Belgien
02.01 Provinz Antwerpen
02.02 Region Brüssel-Hauptstadt
02.03 Provinz Hennegau
02.04 Provinz Limburg
02.05 Provinz Lüttich
02.06 Provinz Luxemburg
02.07 Provinz Namur
02.08 Provinz Ostflandern
02.09 Provinz Flämisch-Brabant
02.10 Provinz Wallonisch-Brabant
02.11 Provinz Westflandern
10. Frankreich
10.01 Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes
10.02 Bourgogne-Franche-Comté
10.03 Bretagne
10.04 Centre-Val de Loire
10.05 Korsika
10.06 Grand Est
10.07 Hauts-de-France
10.08 Île-de-France
10.09 Normandie
10.10 Nouvelle Aquitaine
10.11 Occitanie
10.12 Pays de la Loire
10.13 Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur
11. Deutschland
11.01 Baden-Württemberg
11.02 Bayern
11.03 Berlin
11.04 Brandenburg
11.05 Bremen
11.06 Hamburg
11.07 Hessen
11.08 Mecklenburg-Vorpommern
11.09 Niedersachsen
11.10 Nordrhein-Westfalen
11.11 Rheinland-Pfalz
11.12 Saarland
11.13 Sachsen
11.14 Sachsen-Anhalt
11.15 Schleswig-Holstein
11.16 Thüringen
18. Luxemburg
20. Niederlande
20.01 Drenthe
20.02 Flevoland
20.03 Friesland
20.04 Gelderland
20.05 Groningen
20.06 Limburg
20.07 Nordbrabant
20.08 Nordholland
20.09 Overijssel
20.10 Utrecht
20.11 Zeeland
22.12 Südholland