How to get listed in the Maintenance Directory?

Step 1: Create an account

Suppliers of specialized Maintenance, Repair and Overhaul (MRO) services, solutions or products can create a free user account. Add a company page and enter contact details, a logo and a non-commercial description of the activities.

Step 2: Specify regions and industries serviced

Next, create a company page with contact details, a logo and a non-commercial description of your activities. Also specify the regions and industries that are serviced by your company. You can optionally create additional company pages for different locations, servicing a distinct region.

Step 3: Specify your services

Indicate which services, solutions and products you offer, and for which type of assets they are relevant. Discover the full manual here.

Step 4: Review & Approval

Your entry is reviewed by the Maintenance.Directory team. Once approved, the content is published and you start generating relevant leads.

What are the advantages?


Potential customers, looking for specific services, solutions or products that you offer, immediately obtain your contact details and are able to contact you directly.


Maintenance.Directory makes your company immediately visible to potential customers looking for specific services, solutions or products that you offer.


Getting listed in the Directory is free of charge. In return we kindly ask you to give a correct, complete and neutral overview of your activities and serviced assets, industries and regions. If you want to support the initiative, please become a member of your regional Maintenance Society. You can also opt to publish an ad.


The Maintenance.Directory is facilitated by BEMAS, an independent not for profit organization, not tied to any consultancy firm or commercial service. This initiative wants to make the MRO market more transparent.